It's nice to be back.
For the half days I've scheduled myself in this week.
It's all about moderation, I say. It's all about moderation.
Really. I'm THAT serious.
Prepared to be dazzled. . . by Contrast Baths.
The ultimate foot spa in a dishpan.
I'm sorry to say it wasn't my idea. As I sifted through my Week 3 post-op instructions (aka, "Podiatry without Meds"), I got down to item 5 -- You can start contrast baths for pain/swelling.
Major disclaimer before we dive in: This is NOT universal medical advice. If you are recovering from foot surgery or injury, or have other chronic health issues involving your tootsies, follow your own health care provider's instructions To. The. Letter. No exceptions. Got it?
This is just a dumb, goofy blog, for pete's sake, not the Mayo Clinic.
But for something that is magically soothing for an tired, old pair of dawgs, that do not have surgical, injury or chronic health considerations, may I suggest "contrast baths." You'll need:
One plastic dishpan of ice water. I perked up immediately when I first read this. As parents of two pretty competitive soccer players who seemed to excelled at rolled ankles about every 45 minutes (along with many goals and assists in their respective careers), my date and I have long appreciated the restorative (if not a little shocking) powers of the ice bath.
One plastic dishpan of warm water. Note: You are NOT boiling lobsters here. Test the heat -- it should be kinda like bathtub.
Step 1: Crack open Words with Friends. (Good news! I usually only lose by 100 points by now. Yay me.)
Step 2: Soak your tired old feet in the ice bath for one minute.Yes, high-pitched squeaks are a known side effect.
Step 3: Then soak your tired old feet in the warm bath for one minute. Whoa, mama, that feels good.
Step 4: Rinse and repeat for 5 to 10 minutes. Odd as it may sound, I think you'll find your feet feeling quite happy and relaxed after a session.
Ahh-hhhhh-hhhh |
I foresee "contrast baths" -- otherwise known as the dishpan foot spa -- becoming a regular fixture the weekly relaxation regimen. And next time your non-medically compromised (you can never get enough of a good disclaimer) wheels need a little pick-me-up, try the dishpan foot spa.
And, remember, squeaks are allowed.
I'm going to try this though I have no plastic dish pans and will have to get creative. Maybe not the soup pot, too disturbing. My toe is still black, bugger it. You really are going to be skipping before me. Hugs to Dr Ben x