Myself? I climbed into my mental Safe Room about a week ago, closed my eyes, covered my ears and will be singing "La la la la la la la" for the next 9 months.
As a result, I've been a bit of slacker in the blogosphere. It will get better in a couple weeks once the villagers settle down.
In the meantime a couple of quick thoughts (about all I'm capable of these days):
Apple's unveiling of its new iOS7 -- it's cool, it's hip. I've got it on the iPadMini.
Now if they could only teach my MacBook to tell time.
Real time. |
MacBook time. |
And, finally, because I always have your back -- I share wisdom of the ages as found in a church basement here in the scablands of Eastern Washington:
You're welcome.
Heading back to the Safe Room now. Over and out.
LOL! How well I remember the fun of the work week.