It's been a day.
A day where I feel l proud about all the phone calls and emails (mostly non-snarky) I've made about the so-called American Health Care Act, which by last night had been stripped down to the Amurican Crap Act.
A day when I'm angry that the GOP thought it could push a comprehensive do-over of American health care in 2 weeks. That, my friends, was a joke.
A day where Paul Ryan falls on a sword handily provided by this guy in the Blight House named Trump. And a day where Trump said Dems defeated the bill when, in fact, 34 House GOPs walked away from bad legislation, effectively killing the bill.
So many lies and distortions.
We have a sort-of comprehensive health care plan in place. Can we improve it? Sure. As a Dem, I want to learn more about what moderate Republicans like the Tuesday Group have to say.
It's time to talk.
What happened to the World's Greatest Deal Maker? Couldn't close? This Presidenting must be more complicated than anyone knew.