Sunday, October 10, 2010

This is. . .

Quinn Parker (and her lovely Gramma Shelley)

Quinn is our new grand-niece who we met last weekend. She's lovely. A girl with a beautiful smile who already knows how to let people know when she. is. not. amused.

I like that in a woman.


Kingston is our neighbor's cat. I first made his acquaintance about a month ago as he was perched precariously on a branch in our cherry tree trying to snag birds feeding on our seed socks. An enterprising feline, that Kingston.

He's a house cat in that if there's a house, he's its cat. We learned that a couple of weeks ago as he nonchalantly strolled through the kitchen from the dining room as the WPS and I looked on, only slightly perplexed since we assumed with the passing of our two cats, Toby and KC, we were living in cat-free zone.

I think you'll be hearing more about Kingston.


No, he's not 25 to 30 pounds. Hardly. But he's the only pumpkin I have after watching this plant throw off easily 50 blossoms this summer. Welcome to Bermtopia. Now we're in a race to see if he'll color up in time for Halloween.

Go, Alladin.


I admit it. It's here.

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