It's a comfort food kind of weekend.
Pervasively gray skies and 3-4 inches of snow (on top of 6-8 that graciously fell while we were in Seattle) will do that to a gal. Plus, I've decided it's just not Thanksgiving without the perfume of roast turkey wafting through the house, so that's what I'm doing today.
Not the whole shootin' match, mind you. I mean, it's just me and the Wonderfully Patient Spouse, after all. Instead I'm tackling a Oven-roasted Turkey Breast with Cornbread and Leek Stuffing courtesy of Tyler Florence, my new culinary BFF. (Note: He gets a shout-out for the pot roast as well.)
We did NOT get off to a promising start with the Roasted Turkey Gravy.
Hah! There's nothing a new baking dish and a little judicious editing of scorched veggies can't solve. Turkey wing and veggies are roasting away nicely as I post.
Yummmm. Buttery, oniony leek and cornbread stuffing. Roger that.
Now onto the turkey breast. Slice it length-wise so it opens like a book? Ummmm, okay. If you say so.
So far, so good. My own little "t-reader."
WTF!!!! Robins?
OK. The following photo looks dweeby and left over from the 1950s. Sorry. It is what it is and, straight up, the tur-kayyy is incredibly delicious! The Waldorf salad is my construct from Thanksgivings gone by.
(It feels great to be 10-years-old for just a second or tw0.)
Turkey recipe? Run, don't walk. Read the recipe comments (it DOES take a little longer to cook), go forth and do good things. It's golden.
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