Another treasured item in our
Christmas ornament box is an envelope contains sacred family holiday pix. I share with you a few suggestions for navigating the flood of family photo ops that are right around the corner for you and yours. (P.S. Sorry for the photo quality. We do not (gasp) have a scanner so I am reduced to (gasp) taking pictures of pictures. It's a Bermtopian thing.)
1. Never wear glasses with lenses bigger than your head.
(And, why yes, as a matter of fact, I did pay good money for that perm.)
I rest my case.
2. "White Christmas" refers to the popular holiday song as opposed to socks.
3. There's a poser in every family.
I rest my case.
4. And above all, re-think, repeat rethink, going commando Christmas morning. You know who you are.
The boy with the white socks also has a killer "teenager with an attitude (really want to smile but then I might be uncool)" look.