Sunday, August 28, 2011

The news from When Pigs Fly Farm

Family business took me away from Bermtopia for a few days last week, and boy, did I miss The Farm. So many things happened while I was gone!

Our first sunflower bloomed! And I had to learn about it on Facebook. Sigh.

The temperatures finally hit the 90s --  and stuck around for more than 24 hours -- pretty much for the first time this summer. What a difference a few degrees make. Snowberry has started to produce more than one cherry tomato at a time (thank you very much), Cherokee Purple is coloring up nicely as are Farmer Jim's Roma tomatoes.

Mr. Stripey is another story. He is not budging out of the green department. The little turd.

Remember Poor Pitiful Pearl, my transplanted eggplant? She lives to fight another day! Pearl was in the process of producing two tiny eggplants when I left Bermtopia last Sunday, so imagine my surprise to find one had completely vanished and the other laying on the ground, sadly amputated from the Mother Ship. Their removal had been surgical.

I suspect fowl play. (Sorry. I just couldn't help myself.)

Finally, Farmer Jim made Kosher dills while I was gone! The ingredients? Why, When Pigs Fly Farm cukes, dill and garlic, of course.

Is this not truly A Work of Art?

And leave it to Farmer Jim. I'm pretty sure he's the only pickle maker in Bermtopia who has his pickles curing on his patio.

It's hard to believe we're marching, lock-stepped, toward September 1 this week. There's still so much to do -- and grow -- at When Pigs Fly Farm. Nevertheless, life is good at The Farm.

Life is good.